The customer said the vehicle starts ok but has no throttle response (the car runs but won’t rev, just ticks over). A dealership diagnosed the vehicle as having a faulty engine ECU after replacing the throttle position sensor. The customer sent the unit in for our ECU Testing + Repair services.
We have a bespoke test ring which allows us to simulate the ECU running on the vehicle. We were able to identify the fault within the ECU as it was not accepting any response from the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor). We replacement the fault component and re-worked dry joints. The ECU then passed on the final test rig and was sent back to the customer.
This diesel Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7CRD is fitted with a Bosch EDC15C5 Engine ECU. We’re able to fully Test + Rebuild these units. If you have a Jeep ECU fault, get in touch with us today. You can email us, drop in or simply call us on 0208 853 5000.
Hello. I would like to purchase ECM Bosch: 0281 010 293 for my Jeep Grand Cherokee 2.7CRD. What is the price?
Please respond ASAP.
Thanks in advance.
I have sent you an email with prices and options available.
Kind Regards
Здравствуйте. У меня JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 2.7 CRD. Не работает соленоид гидравлического вентилятора (ошибка 1499). EKM не дает команду на соленоид. Что мне делать???
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Здравствуйте Андрей
Пожалуйста, отправьте ECU нам для испытания и мы подтвердим, является ли проблема в ECU или если проблема в другом.
С наилучшими пожеланиями
I have same fault my jeep,
can you send price and
delivery time?
Hello Tomi
Thanks for the enquiry,
Please send us an email with the part number from your ECU so we can confirm the system type and quote you accordingly.
Kind Regards
Please send me the price and the delivery time for an repaired ECU 0281010293.
Thank you
Hey Victor!
Thanks for reaching out.
Your enquiry has been forwarded to the relevant department & they will contact you soon via email.
ECU Repairs